Learning Center Services & Resources for Faculty

Classroom presentations

The Learning Centers can arrange classroom presentations on selected student success topics as requested by the instructor. Common topics include learning center services, student success, time management, course-specific study skills, and note taking.


We are available to discuss strategies that will help students effectively learn your course content. Feel free to talk with us about expectations for your students. One of the tutorial roles is to "translate for instructors." The better we understand your expectations and assignments, the more we will be able to assist your students.


    Administration of exams for students requiring disability-related accommodations is provided by the Learning Commons on the Jamestown and Cattaraugus County campuses.

    If your student needs to take an accommodated exam, use the following test request forms:

    Accommodated Testing Guidelines

    The Learning Commons will only process and proctor accommodated exams during the spring 2025 semester. We will not process or proctor make-up or other non-accommodated exams. If you are unable to administer your make-up exams, contact your dean or department chair.

    How to use the test form:

    • Tests will not be processed without a test request form. If you have students testing on both campuses, fill out both forms, so tests are routed to the intended location.
    • You must fill in all required fields or you will not see an option to submit. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
    • To complete each accommodated test request, your email address must first be verified. To verify:
      • Go to the inbox of your email that you entered at the end of the form.
      • Open the email from Adobe Sign. The subject line should read, "Please confirm your signature on Accommodated Test Form."
      • Select "Confirm my email address" that is located in the body of the email.
      • If you miss this step, we will not receive your test request, as it will be on hold until verification is complete.

    Timeline and format:

    • All tests must be received at least three business days before the student is to take the exam. This provides staff enough time to process the exam while ensuring that students are not waiting on tests to arrive.
    • All tests are printed in black and white. If you need a color copy, provide it to Learning Commons staff.
    • All tests must be received in the following formats: pdf, Microsoft Word docs. Do not send links to exams.

    How faculty can help us help our students

    • Refer students who are in need of academic assistance.
    • Recommend students for tutoring positions.
    • Place materials on reserve with us that will help students be successful in your class (ex. study guides, previous tests, sample papers).
    • Schedule some of your office hours in the Learning Commons.
    • Let us know if there are new services we may provide to help your students be successful.